Helen Love WWW links

So this site isn't good enough for you, eh? Or have you exhausted the whole thing? All of it? You sure?

In that case, I hope you're not leaving without sending me a message to say how much you enjoyed it or what else you'd like to see here. Or maybe you'd like to help out - I'm not omniscient, ya know, so all information will be gratefully received and contributors credited.

However, if you want to know more about Helen Love, there's not a great deal else on the Internet about them, which is why I've tried to make this as comprehensive as possible. Even though the band have been around for a few years, these are all the sites I've found so far:

Update, September '01: Some of these links may no longer work. It's three years or more since I last worked on this site (in case you missed the front page disclaimer). However, the Official Site link at the top has only just gone in and is definitely correct, as is that for Damaged Goods.

And that's about it, unless you know different. Got a URL? Click on the box below and send it to me!

J Church link Helen Love link links page link mail me